Please for the love of god don't do this before your session

If I can save both you and I some hassle on the day of your photoshoot, you best believe I'm going to do it! I have seen people make this mistake with other photographers, and luckily none of my clients have never made these two mistakes before their session because I always send them 3 guides to read before their session to help them feel prepared- a style guide, a grooming guide, and a posing/expressions guide.


Before your session, please be extra careful about spending time in the sun. Even if you're not planning on being out for very long, wear sunscreen. (You should always be wearing sunscreen, but leading up to your photoshoot ESPECIALLY).

Careful with the self tanner

Do you tan? If the answer is no, do not even think about trying it before your session!!! You don't want to end up orange like a bad case of high schoolers at prom! It can take quite a long time to find the right tanning regimen, so if you have months and months before your session, sure. Go ahead and try it out. But if you’re not a regular tanner, don’t attempt to do it the weeks leading up to your session. Now if you ARE a regular tanner, consider the timing of your shoot. Does your tan look best the day after? Do you need to go in person to get a spray tan- because damaging your skin with a tanning bed is so 1980. Just consider your tanning schedule when preparing for your session.

If you want to know what TO DO before your session, be sure to check out that blog post here: